Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Update

(“Yourdailydoze”) acknowledges the privacy concerns of its customers, visitors, users, and those engaging with the website, other related web platforms, mobile applications, online communities, and forums owned or operated by Yourdailydoze (collectively referred to as the “Yourdailydoze Platforms”) (individually or collectively referred to as “Users”). This Privacy Notice provides essential information regarding the collection and use of User information on the Yourdailydoze Platforms.

This Privacy Notice is presented to assist you in making an informed decision about your usage of the Yourdailydoze Platforms. It is incorporated into and is subject to the Yourdailydoze Terms of Use. Any personal information provided by you on the Yourdailydoze Platforms is subject to this Privacy Notice and our Terms of Use.

Please note that content such as videos, images, or other materials posted by Users on the Yourdailydoze Platforms is considered published content and is not classified as personally identifiable information under this Privacy Notice.

Information Collected by Yourdailydoze User-Provided Information: When engaging in various activities on the Yourdailydoze Platforms, such as uploading videos, participating in forums, entering contests, subscribing to newsletters, or responding to surveys, you provide specific personally identifiable information (like your name, email address, and IP address) to Yourdailydoze.

Cookies Information: During your visit to the Yourdailydoze Platforms, we may send one or more cookies (small text files containing alphanumeric characters) to your computer, which uniquely identify your browser. These cookies may be session cookies or persistent cookies. Session cookies are temporary and disappear when you close your browser, while persistent cookies remain after closure. Your browser’s help file provides directions to remove persistent cookies. You can also reset your browser to reject cookies or indicate their transmission. However, disabling cookies may affect certain features’ functionality on the Yourdailydoze Platforms.

Log File and Clear GIFs Information: Through the Yourdailydoze Platforms, we employ “clear GIFs” (also known as Web Beacons) to anonymously track Users’ online usage patterns. Additionally, we use clear GIFs in HTML-based emails to monitor opened emails.

The Utilization of Information by Yourdailydoze If you provide personally identifiable information through the Yourdailydoze Platforms, it is used to operate, maintain, and provide platform features and functionality to you.

Content you voluntarily disclose online, such as images, videos, messages, etc., becomes publicly available and may be used by others. Your account name is displayed to other Users for communication purposes, and any content you submit may be redistributed online and through media channels.

We do not use your email address for commercial or marketing purposes without your consent, except as part of specific programs or features. Your email address may be used for non-marketing purposes (e.g., notifying you of significant Yourdailydoze Site changes or customer service matters).

We use personally identifiable information and non-personally-identifiable data to enhance Yourdailydoze Platforms’ quality, design, and to develop new features and services.

Cookies, clear GIFs, and log file information are employed to personalize content, monitor marketing campaigns’ effectiveness, track metrics, and manage user entries in promotions, contests, etc.

Information Disclosure by Yourdailydoze We may share personally identifiable and non-personally-identifiable information with subsidiaries, affiliated companies, or third parties for processing purposes, ensuring compliance with our privacy policy. Efforts are made to limit their use of the information.

We do not share your personally identifiable information with third-party companies for commercial or marketing use without consent, except as part of specific programs. Non-personally-identifiable data may be shared with third parties interested in understanding usage patterns.

Information Disclose

We may disclose information as required by law or in good faith, responding to court orders, subpoenas, or search warrants.

Yourdailydoze reserves the right to reveal information deemed necessary to enforce our Terms of Use, protect against liability, investigate third-party claims, or assist government enforcement agencies.

User Options You may choose to not submit personally identifiable information through the Yourdailydoze Platforms. Update or correct your profile information and email preferences on your account profile page.

We verify your identity before granting profile access or making corrections to protect your privacy. Maintain the secrecy of your unique password and account information.

Please contact Yourdailydoze for inquiries about this Privacy Notice, your personal information, consent, or opt-in/opt-out decisions using the provided contact form.

Third Party Links

Third-party Advertisers, Links to Other Sites Third-party ad servers or networks serve ads within Yourdailydoze Platforms. They may use cookies and technology to personalize ads and measure their effectiveness.

Your IP address is received by these third-party entities when you visit Yourdailydoze Platforms. While personally identifiable information is not shared without consent, ads shown to specific audiences may use information from your use of the platforms.

Refer to respective privacy policies of third-party ad servers for more information on their practices and opt-out instructions.

Data Security Assurance by Yourdailydoze Reasonable physical, managerial, and technical safeguards protect personal information’s integrity and security. Yourdailydoze takes measures to ensure system security and notify users of security breaches.

However, no method can guarantee absolute security, and Yourdailydoze cannot ensure or warrant the protection of transmitted information. In case of security breach, Yourdailydoze may attempt electronic notification.

Our Commitment to Children’s Privacy Yourdailydoze does not knowingly collect or retain personally identifiable information from individuals under 13 years of age on Yourdailydoze Platforms. If such data is collected without verified parental consent, steps will be taken to delete it.

Special Note to International Users The Yourdailydoze Platforms are governed by U.S. law. If accessing the platforms from regions with differing data laws, by using Yourdailydoze Platforms, you consent to your personal information’s transfer to the United States.

Eventual Merger, Sale, or Bankruptcy In case of acquisition, merger, or bankruptcy, information collected from Users may be transferred to third parties as part of these proceedings.

Updates to this Privacy Notice This Privacy Notice may be revised periodically.

Yourdailydoze reserves the authority to alter this privacy statement whenever deemed necessary. In such instances, we will inform you by publishing the revised privacy statement on this platform. It is your responsibility to periodically review this page for any updates. These modifications will apply to all personal information that we managed prior to the implementation of the updated privacy policy, as well as any personal information obtained on or after that date. Should you continue using the Sites subsequent to any revisions made to this privacy statement, it will be construed as your acceptance of the modified terms and conditions outlined in the privacy statement.

How to Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at [email protected]